Long Island WMA
Long Island, Watts Bar River Mile 573, Kingston, TN 37763REGION
Watts Bar
About Long Island WMA
This wildlife management area is accessible only by boat. Located at TN River MM 573, the island is a great place for bird watching and is controlled by TWRA. In spring and summer, Osprey are common nesting birds across the lake. They nest on poles and structures and can be viewed best by boat however please keep a safe distance from nesting pairs to avoid disturbing them and their young. In winter, waterfowl and Bald Eagles are common. Great Blue Heron, Black-crowned Night-heron, Double-crested Cormorant, Cattle Egret, and Great Egret nest on islands in the lake. White-tailed deer, raccoon, muskrat, fox, and coyote are common around the lake.
Long Island, Watts Bar River Mile 573, Kingston, TN 37763